First Kosova-Poland Business Meeting [28.06.2024]


First Kosova-Poland Business Meeting



The Government of Kosova (GOK) through its Mission in Warsaw,

Poland (the Consulate General of the Republic of Kosova in Warsaw) in cooperation with USAID’s Investment Promotion

and Access to Finance Activity (“Project”) and Polish Chamber of Commerce (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza – KIG)

are pleased to invite you to

First Kosova-Poland Business Meeting    


Business meeting language: English


The goal of the event is to initiate a business platform between the entrepreneurs of the two countries, pave the way for a visit of Polish businesses to Kosova.

The event will host about 15-20 Kosova businesses participating from the ICT, energy, food processing sectors and light manufacturing (construction/furniture) a few of which will deliver brief presentations to highlight their successful business models, including an overview of business opportunities in their respective sector.


You absolutely must attend the event if:

  • you looking for new business opportunities and access to new markets;
  • you represent a company from the ICT, energy, manufacturing or food sectors;
  • you want to meet proven business partners;
  • you are open to new experiences and cooperation.


The agenda of the event, includes the following:

  • A presentation of the main investment and trade opportunities in Kosova;
  • A presentation of the investment and trade opportunities in Poland;
  • Brief presentations of select Kosovar business success stories;
  • Polish success story – as an example and good practice with cooperation in Kosovo
  • A discussion, namely providing opportunities for Polish officials and businesses to enquire about investment and business opportunities in Kosova;
  • A networking reception, providing an opportunity for business-to-business links;


Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to explore the possibilities that Kosovo offers.

Join us on June 28th, 2024, and REGISTER to the event and b2b meetings with Kosovar companies by 26th June 2024

List of Kosovo companies pdf




Elżbieta Wojtas
Foreign Relations Department
p: 22 630 97 52
Polish Chamber of Commerce

Kamil Hyszka
p: 22 630 94 44
Polish Chamber of Commerce



Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza otrzymała dofinansowanie w ramach projektu POIR.03.04.00-14-0001/20 „Dotacja na kapitał obrotowy dla Krajowej Izby Gospodarczej”, w ramach działania 3.4 Dotacje na kapitał obrotowy Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020”, współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego.